It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Friday, August 22, 2014

There's no more room for Jell-O?

NEW YORK (AP) - Jell-O has lost its jiggle and nobody knows how to fix it.

The dessert was invented more than a century ago and helped popularize a delicacy reserved for the rich into a quick, affordable treat. Americans of all ages are familiar with the famous "J-E-L-L-O" jingle and TV ads featuring comedian Bill Cosby. Knocking back Jell-O shots made with alcohol is a college memory for many.

Yet despite its enduring place in pop culture, sales have tumbled 19 percent in the past four years, with alternatives such as Greek yogurt surging in popularity. Executives at Kraft Foods, which owns Jell-O, say they're confident they can revitalize the brand. But their efforts so far have been a disappointment.

After years of marketing sugar-free Jell-O to dieters, for instance, Kraft last year launched an ad campaign that switched back to playing up the family angle. In one TV spot called "Comb Over," a man with the title hairdo tells his son how Jell-O makes up for life's troubles, like being stuck in traffic. The visual gag is when the child imagines himself going through life with a comb over.

"Kids thought it was hilarious," said Dan O'Leary, senior director of marketing for Kraft desserts.

Unfortunately, it didn't get people in the mood to eat Jell-O. 

Damien's note: Okay, I'm no ad exec. But here is a photo from the comb over ad:

And here is John Stamos pushing Greek yogurt:

Need I say more?

1 comment:

  1. Alas, Jello is either 'disgusting" (gelatin, artificial colors etc.) or something quaint, silly, and outdated. Imagine showing up to the next gay brunch potluck with grandmother's jello with mandarin oranges and bananas! It was fun though.
