It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Political movement

Although the colored blocks continue to move at the same pace around the circle, the addition of black and white lines creates the illusion that the yellow block stops and the blue block moves ahead.

I present this optical illusion as a reminder that sometimes what we perceive is influenced more by circumstances than by reality.

Not to imply, of course, that political (or any other) progress moves uniformly at all times and places. 

BTW, the students at Horton are on Spring Break this week, which means almost all the frats are gone and I have some free time. I hope to post more regularly for the next few days, although I am also taking advantage of the break to catch up on some work of my own.

1 comment:

  1. I love this... I sat staring at it for five minutes, hypnotized.
