It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Red Bull is just ... bull

The phrase “Red Bull gives you wings” has resulted in a false advertising Red Bull settlement. The company behind the beverage has agreed to reimburse more than $6 million to consumers who purchased the energy drink while the company used the slogan.

When the advertising slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” was being used, it wasn’t indicating that you would literally grow wings. If it did, the beverage would undoubtedly be a secret government project being developed for experimental military applications, not a publicly accessible energy drink. What the slogan was attempting to imply was that it was a more effective source of caffeine than an average cup of coffee.

The actual meaning behind the slogan was also proven false. A 7-ounce cup of drip coffee, on average, contains approximately 115 to 175 milligrams of caffeine, while an 8.4-ounce can of Red Bull contains only 80 milligrams of caffeine.

Damien's note: So essentially it's closer to half-caff?

1 comment:

  1. I have never had one; they seem overrated and $$. Give me a cup of tea, rather.
