It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Who ya gonna believe?

Yet according to the folks over at LiveStrong, "The plain milk chocolate variety of M&M’s has far fewer calories than its filled counterparts. You’ll get just three calories from a lone milk chocolate M&M's. If you have one of the other types though, you’ll wind up with three to four times as many calories. A single peanut, crispy or peanut butter-filled M&M's each provide between 10 and 12 calories per piece." 

According to some calculations, you need to walk only 66 yards to burn off the calories for one plain milk chocolate M&M.

At any rate, no one eats only one M&M.

And the full length of a football field is not a long walk.

1 comment:

  1. this is chilling news for someone left a bowl of M&Ms at work and I thought I was being prudent by 'only having a few'. stinko
