It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Barbie's Dream Heaven?

Barbie as the Virgin Mary?

This image has been popping up around social media, with the news that Argentina is producing a Virgin Mary Barbie Doll:


But before you run out to Toys-R-Us to pick one up, check out the rest of the story:
Pool Paolini y Marianela Perelli are the artists behind the controversial “Barbie, The Plastic Religion” exhibit which will be presented in Buenos Aires starting October 11. The creators thought, “If there’s a Barbie doctor, a teacher and a police officer, why shouldn’t there be a Virgin of Luján Barbie?” and therefore created 33 Barbie and Ken dolls adapted to religious figures from Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. “In a world where we’re rewarded for thinking, feeling and acting all the same, Marianela and Pool set themselves apart by rebelling. Through humor they highlight a fictional, historical, religious, political and universe where their elders are trapped,” says their website.
One of the most controversial was the “Barbie Difunta Correa” which enraged the local authorities of San Juan, where the figures sanctuary remains. “This is so out of place, this is a figure of faith which we care for very much and it is why we patented her image and name years ago,” Daniel Rojas told local media. He concluded by saying if things were up to him, he would definitely sue the couple, which has already been contacted by the authorities.
The artists told BBC Mundo, they certainly knew their work would cause controversy and attract harsh criticism, but they did not expect it to come from local authorities. Pools also explained they have “nothing against religion” and were even careful about respecting all beliefs. The pair is working on Islam figurines and plans to skip representing Muhammad, as this religion condemns representing the prophet.
Both artists identified themselves as followers of the lowbrow art movement and had worked before on representing controversial figures like soccer player Diego Maradona, Juan Domingo Perón and Evita, one of President Cristina Fernández pregnant from “the republic”, one of Leopoldo Galtieri and even one of Pope Francis, but this is the first time their entire exhibit is “devoted” to religion.
Source: Patheos: The Deacon's Bench 

Damien's note: To be honest, the image is not all that different from many statues of the Virgin Mary for sale in religious goods stores around the world. Tacking on the name of Barbie may be ... tacky, of course.

1 comment:

  1. It is obvious that they are not making fun of the Virgin Mary but of the way our idolatrous culture worships all things represented by Barbie and Ken. Most statues of the Virgin look more like Barbie than they do the original woman from Nazareth, I suspect, meaning that the Barbie-azation of the Mother of God took place long ago in the studios of Western artists.
