It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Monday, June 23, 2014

One question. No, make that two.

An historic, decades-old snit ended in May in the town of Tabasco, Mexico, where two men (now in their 70s) who were the very last living speakers of their village’s Ayapaneco language resumed talking to each other, and through the efforts of Stanford University anthropologist James Fox, their language may now be sufficiently recorded for a preserved historical record. The cause of their falling out was not reported. [Daily Mail (London), 5-20-2014]
Damien's question: If no one else speaks the language, how do we know these guys aren't really just continuing their feud and are now simply cursing one another out? Or, having honestly resolved their problem, perhaps are now just playing with Professor Fox and pretending to speak, sneaking out at the end of the day and snickering together over a nice glass of pulque?

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