It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thanks, but no thanks

This is a little different from the things I normally post on this site, but I just got an email containing "Popular okra recipes."

I'm sorry. There are popular okra recipes? Plural?

For me, this line from the entry on Wikipedia says it all: "Okra is an allopolyploid of uncertain parentage."

Huh. I ain't eatin' no allopolyploid even if I know who their parents was!


  1. Ha ha! But wait! There's more that makes it so incredibly appetizing:
    "The products ... are mucilaginous, resulting in the characteristic "goo" or slime when the seed pods are cooked.... Some people prefer to minimize the sliminess; keeping the pods intact, and brief cooking, for example stir-frying, help to achieve this. Cooking with acidic ingredients ... may also help... the pods can be sliced thinly and cooked for a long time so the mucilage dissolves..."

  2. Raised by a Southern, she often tried to get me to eat okra.
    It never happened.
    Now, living in the South you see okra everywhere.
    Still, it will never happen.
